What are Shiva Sutras? – Cetin Cetintas

Shiva Sutras, consisting of 3 chapters and 77 sutras, is one of the important scriptures of mysticism They were written by Sage Vasugupta around 800-850 A.C. The Shiva Sutras is an important text of the Advaita tradition of the Kashmir Shaivism, and is also called Trica Yoga.
Shiva Sutras complete all other yoga inscriptions and explain the incomprehensible and inapplicable parts of Yoga. These scriptures are not very popular due to their complexity for people who have not been able to practice yoga in a deeper sense.

Shiva Sutras handle concepts such as conscious, knowledge, body, kala, chakras, elements, mantra, guru, Shiva and explains the fine details of the way to enlightment with these concepts.

Here are some Sutras from Shiva Sutras:

1.2 Knowledge is captivity.

-jnanam bandhah

If all other sutras are worth gold, this very sutra is diamond. This sutra does not say that knowledge is good or bad. This Sutra says that, one would be captivated with his/her own knowledge when getting into action. For instance, when a yogi learns how his/her being is affected by eating meat, he/she becomes vegetarian. This knowledge re-shapes the life of the yogi in many ways such as where to shop, eat and with whom and how often to get together. This does not mean that this knowledge is good or bad, it shows us how we act under the captivity of knowledge. The knowledge we gain dominates us. When we hear the simplest thing from a trusted one, like drinking tea without a slice of lemon creates iron deficiency, we start drinking tea with lemon. In story short, our automatic behaviors are influenced by knowledge. This first thing to emphasize in this sutra is; if you choose pure knowledge, the knowledge related to your own self, your essence, you ‘ll be captivated by purity. And the second thing; as the person purifies the knowledge, he/she must also reduce it.
Because the biggest priority of a yogi is to become free from the captivity of Smrities. Smriti, is the memory where the knowledge is stored. Besides you do not get this knowledge only on your own, your body carries the knowledge of your whole existence in your cells. You just keep adding on to it. Unless one is free from his/her physical body, he/she cannot be freed from these Smrities and therefore cannot enter into a pure relationship with objects. Because objects will be known through smritis as long as they are known through physical body, one cannot perceive the nature of objects.

1.3. Source is the source of the elements and creates the forms of activities.

– yonivargah kalashariram

Brahma Sutras say: 1.4.27. yoniçahigiyathe
“The source of the holy creative energy is Brahman (infinity).”

Mundaka Upanişad: 3.1.3. brahmayonim
“Creative source is Brahman (infinity).”

All these 3 sutras say the same thing: “Yoni” is the cause of everything. The source of this visible solid body, all elements and the invisible ones is the same. The source of all activities is this very source, and this source creates the forms of them. The syllable “Ka” in this sutra is essential. The syllable “Ka” represents the required process of the inceptives and initiatives.

yoni: Creative source.
vargaha: The state of the art when the commitments to the actions are over, as well as principles, tattvas.
kala: Time, process.
sariram: Body, form, figure.

And finally, about the stages of consciousness in which we mention a lot in yoga science, Shiva Sutras say:

1.8 Knowledge is the state of awake.

-Jnanam Jagrat

1.9 The dream consists of thought patterns that circulate freely and is perceived through internal perception.

-svapno vikalpah

1.10 The lack of discrimination in deep sleep occurs naturally.

-aviveko maya sausuptam

1.11- The person who control their senses and wish to be emancipated, enjoys the 3 conditions is the Lord of the Heroes.

-tritayabhokta viresah

What are Shiva Sutras?

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